Monday, June 24, 2013


Poverty means economic backwardness.It is defined as not being able to meet one's basic economic needs. Poverty shows inability, weakness and helplessness of a person in his economic, social and political life. In other words, poverty is a situation where people are deprived os basic needs, basic rights and basic opportunities for their livelihood. Poverty is the one of the major problem socio-economic problems of a developing country. The main objective of developing countries is to reduce the level of poverty through poverty alleviation program.
Poverty has been defined by the world bank as the inability of an individual or household to attain a minimum standard of living. Any person with an income of less than $370 per year roughly $1 per day is poor. Both the level of prosperity in a country and the distribution of resource within determination the level and the nature of poverty. the poor usually have much lower life expactancy, higher infant mortalities and higher incidence of disability. they suffer more form communicable disease and a high proportion of their lives is spent in poor health. 

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